O Carlos já me tinha lembrado para colocar um post por aqui, sobre as recentes eleições europeias romenas.
Acrescento que junto com o acto eleitoral houve um referendo sobre a alteração do sistema eleitoral. A proposta tinha a intenção de consagrar os circulos uninominais em detrimento do sistema de representação proporcional em vigor.
Publico recente troca de e-mails.
We have the final results of the european elections that took place on Sunday, 25th november:
28% - PD (PPE)
23% - PSD (socialists - us)
13% - PNL (Liberals - ALDE)
We have the final results of the european elections that took place on Sunday, 25th november:
28% - PD (PPE)
23% - PSD (socialists - us)
13% - PNL (Liberals - ALDE)
Its a good result. In polls, 1-2 weeks ago, we had like 19-20% and PD was rated @ 38%. :) We'll have 10 MEPs. Romania has 35 MEPs.
This was a very good result, no?
How about the electoral law referendum? Did you change it?
I'll put this info in our blog.
This was a very good result, no?
How about the electoral law referendum? Did you change it?
I'll put this info in our blog.
Its a good result, indeed. We had the referendum for changing electoral system to uninominal elections. It was our project from 2005. But the president Basescu made the referendum stealing our ideea - he's a populist :)
Its a good result, indeed. We had the referendum for changing electoral system to uninominal elections. It was our project from 2005. But the president Basescu made the referendum stealing our ideea - he's a populist :)
The outcome is that only 26,51% of voters presented, 81,36% voted yes and 16,17% were against. The referendum is not valid because less than 50% of total voters came to vote.
The government has its own electoral project - voted by parliament and sent to president to be promulgated. The president can send back the law to parliament only once. If the parliament send it again, he is obliged to promulgate it.
So, its a matter of weeks until we'll have the electoral law changed.
The government has its own electoral project - voted by parliament and sent to president to be promulgated. The president can send back the law to parliament only once. If the parliament send it again, he is obliged to promulgate it.
So, its a matter of weeks until we'll have the electoral law changed.
O Andi Cristea faz parte da equipa que preparou, para o PS Romeno, estas eleições europeias.
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