"O concerto da cantora colombiana Shakira no domingo no Pavilhão Atlântico, em Lisboa, está esgotado, revelou a promotora Everything is New" |
Imagino que os preços dos bilhetes fossem os habituais...
And the dreamers? Ah, the dreamers! They were and they are the true realists, we owe them the best ideas and the foundations of modern Europe(...). The first President of that Commission, Walter Hallstein, a German, said: "The abolition of the nation is the European idea!" - a phrase that dare today's President of the Commission, nor the current German Chancellor would speak out. And yet: this is the truth.
Ulrike Guérot & Robert Menasse
"O concerto da cantora colombiana Shakira no domingo no Pavilhão Atlântico, em Lisboa, está esgotado, revelou a promotora Everything is New" |
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