sexta-feira, junho 12, 2009

"I'm an American Jew. I'm supposed to be safe here."


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Yesterday's attack at the U.S. Holocaust Museum was another terrible example of the frightening increase in homegrown anti-Semitic terrorism.

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and support ADL's security programs.

As courageous security officers, at terrible personal cost, safeguarded the lives of thousands of visitors, law enforcement and media called on ADL's expertise. We quickly confirmed that the perpetrator was a white supremacist and anti-Semite with a criminal history.

ADL immediately contacted Jewish institutions around the country who rely on us for security leadership, and provided vital and time-sensitive security guidance.

At this critical moment, ADL is there. We are leading the fight against a new wave of anti-Semitic violence:

  • We've trained more than 100,000 law enforcement professionals, including the Washington, D.C., Police
  • Our unparalleled security education protects the Jewish community
  • ADL works every day to protect you and your family

The threat to the American Jewish community is real. As the leading organization dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism and extremism, and protecting your family, your support is more essential than ever. ADL needs you now..

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