FT Alphaville » Ireland, Portugal join sovereign risk elite: "
The latest quarterly sovereign risk report from CMA Datavision is out, and wouldn’t you know — Ireland and Portugal have cracked the top ten of the world’s riskiest sovereigns:
Meanwhile, the constituents of the top ten safest sovereigns stayed unchanged, but the US was the worst performer in the group, declining from third to ninth place:
For the second quarter running Portugal is in the top 5 worst performer table – its austerity measures has yet to sway the market in the right direction.
The rest of Europe remained fairly flat this quarter. The Ireland/Portugal situation has not been contagious – the Euro strengthening from 1.22 to 1.37 in the quarter indicating the FX market also believe the issues may not be widespread.
(source: CMA Sovereign Risk Report for Q3 2010)
And the dreamers? Ah, the dreamers! They were and they are the true realists, we owe them the best ideas and the foundations of modern Europe(...). The first President of that Commission, Walter Hallstein, a German, said: "The abolition of the nation is the European idea!" - a phrase that dare today's President of the Commission, nor the current German Chancellor would speak out. And yet: this is the truth.
Ulrike Guérot & Robert Menasse
quarta-feira, outubro 13, 2010
Portugal (e a Irlanda) entre os 10 países com maior risco de falência do Mundo
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