II International Railway History Association Conference
Railway Modernization: an historical perspective (19th and 20th centuries)
27 / 28 / 29 November 2006
Lisbon – ISCTE, Auditório Afonso de Barros
Organization: Centro de Estudos de História Contemporânea Portuguesa and International Railway History Association
27 November 2006, Monday
Opening of the Conference
Welcome by CP - Comboios de Portugal President
Welcome by Luísa Tiago de Oliveira (CEHCP)
Opening of the conference by Michelle Merger (AIHCF)
Introduction to the subject of the conference by Magda Pinheiro
Session 1: Modernization as a process
Augustus J. Veenendaal, Jr. «Railway Modernization after the First World War in the Netherlands»
Bernd Kreuzer «Modernizing the Austrian Railways after the Fall of the Habsburg Empire:Reorganization, Electrification and Coping with New Competitors»
Charles Loft «Chromium Dreams: The political obstacles to railway modernization in Britain»
Session 1 (cont.): Modernization as a process
Vasco Guimarães da Silva «Railway development: the history of a reform à la Portugaise»
Ludovic Laloux «Technological mutations of railways’ fastening systems for the rails: a required modernization for an adjustment to the evolution of the market»
Albert J. Churella «The Failure of Private Enterprise and the Role of the State in Railway Modernization: The Implications of the Pennsylvania Railroad for Modern European Railway Practice»
Session 2: Modernization as a result of technological transfers, failures and hesitations
Tomás Martínez-Vara / Francisco de los Cobos Arteaga «Technological modernisation in networks with weak traffic flows. Safety in Iberian Peninsula railways during the XIX century»
Ana Cardoso de Matos / Maria Paula Diogo «From the École de Ponts et Chaussées to Portuguese Railways: The transfer of technological knowledge ant practices»
Boris Böttcher «From the Steam-“Dragon” to the high-speed-Ice 1848-1998»
28 November 2006, Tuesday
Session 2 (cont.): Modernization as a result of technological transfers, failures and hesitations
Reinhold Bauer «The steam turbine locomotives of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. A failed innovation project of the interwar era»
Ralf Roth «Delayed Modernisation - The Electrification of the German Railways»
Luís Lopes dos Santos «The introduction of Diesel traction, as modernisation element of Portuguese railways»
Portuguese Railway Archives
Rosa Gomes / Maria Andrade «Comboios de Portugal»
Session 3: Railways and the Modernization of Cities, workshops and voyagers
Colin Divall «The modern passenger: constructing the passenger as consumer on Britain’s railways, 1919-1939»
José Luis Lalana Soto/ Luis Santos y Ganges «Exploring the Modernizing Processes of Railway Workshop»
Rocío Robles Tardio «Railway compartments and private domestic interiors: the places of the modern man»
João Castela Cravo «Amadora, a town raised due to the railway»
Closing of the of the works
29 November 2006, Wednesday, 9:00
Intermodality in Lisbon: From Orient Station to the 25 April Bridge (guided tour)
Railway Modernization: an historical perspective (19th and 20th centuries)
27 / 28 / 29 November 2006
Lisbon – ISCTE, Auditório Afonso de Barros
Organization: Centro de Estudos de História Contemporânea Portuguesa and International Railway History Association
27 November 2006, Monday
Opening of the Conference
Welcome by CP - Comboios de Portugal President
Welcome by Luísa Tiago de Oliveira (CEHCP)
Opening of the conference by Michelle Merger (AIHCF)
Introduction to the subject of the conference by Magda Pinheiro
Session 1: Modernization as a process
Augustus J. Veenendaal, Jr. «Railway Modernization after the First World War in the Netherlands»
Bernd Kreuzer «Modernizing the Austrian Railways after the Fall of the Habsburg Empire:Reorganization, Electrification and Coping with New Competitors»
Charles Loft «Chromium Dreams: The political obstacles to railway modernization in Britain»
Session 1 (cont.): Modernization as a process
Vasco Guimarães da Silva «Railway development: the history of a reform à la Portugaise»
Ludovic Laloux «Technological mutations of railways’ fastening systems for the rails: a required modernization for an adjustment to the evolution of the market»
Albert J. Churella «The Failure of Private Enterprise and the Role of the State in Railway Modernization: The Implications of the Pennsylvania Railroad for Modern European Railway Practice»
Session 2: Modernization as a result of technological transfers, failures and hesitations
Tomás Martínez-Vara / Francisco de los Cobos Arteaga «Technological modernisation in networks with weak traffic flows. Safety in Iberian Peninsula railways during the XIX century»
Ana Cardoso de Matos / Maria Paula Diogo «From the École de Ponts et Chaussées to Portuguese Railways: The transfer of technological knowledge ant practices»
Boris Böttcher «From the Steam-“Dragon” to the high-speed-Ice 1848-1998»
28 November 2006, Tuesday
Session 2 (cont.): Modernization as a result of technological transfers, failures and hesitations
Reinhold Bauer «The steam turbine locomotives of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. A failed innovation project of the interwar era»
Ralf Roth «Delayed Modernisation - The Electrification of the German Railways»
Luís Lopes dos Santos «The introduction of Diesel traction, as modernisation element of Portuguese railways»
Portuguese Railway Archives
Rosa Gomes / Maria Andrade «Comboios de Portugal»
Session 3: Railways and the Modernization of Cities, workshops and voyagers
Colin Divall «The modern passenger: constructing the passenger as consumer on Britain’s railways, 1919-1939»
José Luis Lalana Soto/ Luis Santos y Ganges «Exploring the Modernizing Processes of Railway Workshop»
Rocío Robles Tardio «Railway compartments and private domestic interiors: the places of the modern man»
João Castela Cravo «Amadora, a town raised due to the railway»
Closing of the of the works
29 November 2006, Wednesday, 9:00
Intermodality in Lisbon: From Orient Station to the 25 April Bridge (guided tour)
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