PES Women President calls for European Women’s Rights Charter
Yesterday at the PES Women Annual Conference Zita Gurmai MEP was unanimously re-elected President of PES Women. In her opening remarks, she called upon European Commission President Barroso to deliver on his promise to put in place a European Women’s Rights Charter that will enforce gender equality for the 21st century.
The PES Women Annual Conference entitled ‘Feminism in the 21st Century’ is being held in Prague from 5th – 6th December. The Conference is focusing on the 21st century challenges to gender equality in Europe and formulating PES Women responses.
Zita Gurmai MEP, President of PES Women said: “The European Women’s Rights Charter must constitute an enhanced commitment to gender equality. This must be visible, effective, target-driven and have a sufficient budget to ensure that the content is implemented and respected in all Members States. Gender equality policies cannot be relegated to a sectoral approach. Our future depends on how we can make these gender policies work”.
“Gender equality and the participation of women is essential for a progressive European society”, concluded the newly re-elected PES Women President, Zita Gurmai
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